Leadership Approach
My main objective is to set my team up for success. I aspire to build a team to be transparent, honest, supportive, and authentic. When they give me insight on challenges or successes, it provides information needed to support future actionable items/decisions. I encourage curiousity, and autonomy to take initiative. I believe that we learn best when we fall. Change will inevitability happen, and transparency towards what actions I’m taking garners trust.
I want to work with those who can mentor me in this space, so that I may continue to provide this culture to the teams I’m on wherever I am at.
I come with years of experience working with at risk youth in treatment facilities. It provides me with the sensitivity for structure, support, and need to provide secure environment to do our best work.
My team scaled to include additional 4 remote contractors in 2023. An additional 3 digital designers and 1 video production editor. Proactively, I created an onboarding training schedule and resources to help the new team members get acclimated with our brands, and our processes. Including, documenting where to find information, recordings of how our process works, and how we utilize our platforms to our file naming system. I schedule regular check ins, and host workshops to ensure that my team is set up for success.
I helped organize and build a DAM via SharePoint for Creative Services, that house working files and final files. Allowing us to have access to the development of creative content and providing us ability to support and collaborate. Also being able to share historical files, aligns the department on creative content goals.
I created a documentation library that housed training, general information, and an index of where our resources live. This helped alleviate confusion, and also provided information upfront. With the difference in time zones, it can be hindering waiting for responses.